Wearing Handknits – UK

And we’re back with the second instalment of a series on how I’m incorporating my me-mades into a practical wardrobe, without doing anything special to feature them (let’s face it, most of us style blog photos to make the handmade garment shine!).

These are the clothes I packed for a trip to the UK in late summer. The weather was pleasant — the daily range averaged for the duration of my stay was 22C to 13C — with a couple of warmer days where the maximum went up to 26C.  Of course, temperature controlled indoors make a huge difference! I find I need at least one layer less, both indoors and outdoors, when my skin gets the frequent respite of warmth indoors. I’ve spent the same temperatures in eastern Africa, northern India and Brazil and needed thicker sweaters, simply because there is no indoor heating and your body is constantly trying to beat the chill (however slight).

I needed smart casual; luckily I don’t work in a sector where stuffy business suits are required.

Favourite Worn Outfit
Definitely this one (two handknits, and they work together!):


Other Notes
All the pictures below are exported from the Stylebook app on my ipad. I find it such a great resource for planning, packing and logging! There is a very tedious bit at the beginning when you have to log all your clothes, but once that necessary step is over, you’re good to go. I didn’t upload all my clothes in one go, just a few at a time every day till they were all done.

Because the pictures of the garments were taken under different light conditions, some outfits appear not quite right, as if the garments don’t really gel together. But in real life they do  🙂

Some items, like socks, don’t appear in any outfits at all. But they were still used — at bedtime or when lounging — just as not part of an outfit.

And finally, because of the unusually warm days (well, for the UK anyway!) there are several days in there where I needed no sweater at all. But I’m still including them for the sake of completeness, because I packed sweaters that could have been worn with those outfits — for example, the rust coloured Milk Maiden was meant to be worn with the red top.

Packing List
Screenshot from Stylebook. I’m only linking the handmades here, if anyone has burning questions about the RTW stuff, please ask!

London (1)

  1. Rocaille, blogged here
  2. Border socks, blogged here
  3. Ginger, blogged here
  4. Zick-zack, blogged here
  5. Milk Maiden, blogged here
  6. Natsumi, blogged here
  7. Burrard, blogged here

My only consideration is to stay warm, hence the fugly colour combinations!

Meetings / Outings

Lessons Learnt
I am so glad I knit all those socks, they were very useful! Also, lightweight pullovers are the best. Should sew lightweight jackets. No need to carry boots for the UK in summer.

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